Bear friendly tourism

Foto: Petra Draškovič Pelc

Due to the relative shyness and low population density of bears in Europe, one of the most obvious methods to help visitors have up-close experiences of bears is to use wildlife watching hides. Wildlife watching hides have the advantage that wildlife can be viewed without disturbing it, up-close, more comfortably and safer. It also enables wildlife managers to control, limit and channel tourist flow, thus guaranteeing the sustainable operation of the product. Close cooperation with the hunting ground managers is required in the preparation of all activities requiring the use of wildlife watching hides.

In Slovenia, feeding is used as a bear management measure. Wildlife watching hides are usually located in the immediate vicinity of artificial feeding site, as this increases the likelihood of observation. Only registered feeding sites, defined in game management plans and other approved documents defining bear management, can be used.

PDF - guidelines for responsible practices

In order to make human behaviour as predictable to bears as possible, guides should strive to organize bear tours and watching/photography sessions at the same location, at the same time of the day and for the same duration.

Guides should explain to guests the importance of preventing bears from becoming habituated to human food. Organic waste should not be left in the forest and food remains should be packed in air-tight or bear-proof containers and be kept with the guide at all times.

Specific recommendations for responsible bear watching

  • Probability of bear observation, types of possible bear encounters guests should expect, as well as the risks and behaviour during an unwanted or unplanned bear encounter, should be explained to guests.
  • All activities in bear habitat must be done in such a way as to minimize bear disturbance. Wherever possible critical bear habitat, such as important denning or feeding areas must be avoided. In the preparation of the trail a close cooperation with the hunting ground managers is necessary in order todefine such critical habitat.
  • It is of paramount importance that bear tourism/watching/photography is conducted under the guidance and supervision of a qualified guide.
  • Bears are curious animals with a strong sense of smell; guests should avoid using strong smelling perfumes or deodorants. For the same reason, smoking is not permitted while viewing bears. Noise and movement while watching bears should be kept to a minimum and flash photography should be prohibited. Even more, guests should refrain from trying to interact with bears in any way. It is in our interest to maintain bears’ natural shyness.

Full guidelines for responsible bear-related tourism can be found here.

Example of good practice: Day with the bear

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