Bear-friendly label

The label was designed to award local products and services that contribute to better coexistence between bears and humans. Bear friendly practices include, for example, effective protection of livestock, beehives and orchards, the use of bear-proof garbage bins, the development of responsible bear related tourism programs, and souvenirs that promote bear conservation within local areas.

The BEAR-FRIENDLY label has two main objectives:

  • it connects providers of handmade products, tourism programs, accommodation providers and farmers that use practices aimed at improving coexistence with large carnivores,
  • it spread positive messages about large carnivores and promotes effective coexistence measures.

Which practices are bear-friendly?

  • Use of electric fences or nets to protect livestock, beehives or orchards (at least 150 cm high with at least 5 kV in the wires all the time)
  • The constant presence of shepherds and/livestock guarding dogs protecting the herd
  • Use of bear-proof garbage bins
  • Active promotion of large carnivore conservation in the local area

Who can use the label?

The labels can be used by livestock breeders, beekeepers, fruit growers and other farmers, as well as providers of tourist accommodation and guided tourism programmes, businesses and craftspeople who contribute to human-bear coexistence, either through the use of bear-friendly practices or through active promotion of bear conservation in the local environment. Bear-friendly labels can be placed on a variety of products such as milk, cheese, meat products, dried fruit, jams, honey, soaps, etc., or used in the marketing of services such as accommodation, catering, etc.

Where do I get a »Bear Friendly« label?

If you use any of the practices described above, you are being bear-friendly, and you can awarded with the bear friendly label.
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