Wolf tracking in winter

Foto: Francesco Panuello

The programme includes an informational briefing lecture to provide guests with knowledge about wolf biology, explain threats to wolf conservation and improve understanding of coexistence challenges. We explain how to identify and interpret tracks of different animals living in the wolf range.

The programme takes place in winter.

Programme description:

  • Information lecture.
  • Finding wolf tracks, remember to track in the opposite direction of wolf movement.
  • Viewing photographs and videos taken with cameras placed in the area.
  • Visit a pasture near the forest to talk about challenges farmers face in the wolf area.

Ideas for activities:

  • Role-play on wolf management and coexistence.
  • Try to howl like a wolf (remember not to do it in the forest, human howling can be disturbing for wolves)

Some examples of best practice wolf-related tourism programmes

Kočevje: Getting to know and looking for wolf tracks in the winter

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