Large carnivores
Three large carnivores live in Slovenia: the brown bear, the wolf and the Eurasian lynx.
In the past, due to a combination of planned extermination and habitat destruction, the wolf and bear populations in our country were on the verge of extinction, while the lynx was exterminated. In recent decades, however, due to the increase in the abundance of their prey, the increase in forest areas and favorable legislation, their condition has improved, as most populations (except for the critically endangered Eurasian lynx) have stabilized or are increasing.
Large carnivores are predators and are therefore at the top of the trophic pyramid of the ecosystem and regulate the entire functioning of natural ecosystems. They play an important role in regulating the densities and behavior of ungulates. They are key species, because by protecting them, we also preserve other animal and plant species and the environment in which they live.
Large carnivores are among the charismatic species, for many they are a symbol of untouched nature.
Large carnivores are rarely seen in nature, as they generally retreat from humans. All three are protected by the regulations of the Republic of Slovenia and also by the regulations of the European Union. Coexistence with humans is key to their long-term preservation.